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2024-07-29 22:58 阅读了



How to pronounce "surprise" correctly

Pronunciation of "surprise"

The word "surprise" is pronounced as suh-prahyz. The first syllable "suh" is pronounced with the "uh" sound, like the "u" in "under". The second syllable "prahyz" is pronounced with the "ai" sound, like the "i" in "ice". The stress is on the second syllable, so it is pronounced with more emphasis than the first.

Silent letters

One thing to keep in mind when pronouncing "surprise" is that it has two silent letters: the "r" and the second "s". This means that you only pronounce the "suh-prahyz" sound, not any extra "r" or "s" sounds.

Commonly mispronounced words

Some people mistakenly pronounce "surprise" as "suprise", which is incorrect. Other words that are sometimes mispronounced include:

  • February (pronounced feb-roo-ary, not feb-yoo-ary)
  • Jewelry (pronounced jew-uhl-ree, not jew-lee-ree)
  • Library (pronounced li-bruh-ree, not li-berry)

Examples of expressions with surprise

"Surprise" is often used in idiomatic expressions to indicate unexpected joy or shock. Some common examples include:

  • Surprise party - a party thrown for someone without their knowledge
  • Surprise ending - an unexpected conclusion to a story or movie
  • Surprise attack - a military tactic where the enemy is caught off guard

Furthermore, it is always good to be full of surprises and giving others a surprise. Being unpredictable adds excitement and can make your relationships more exciting.

In conclusion, "surprise" is an easy word to mispronounce if you're not paying attention to the silent letters. However, once you know how to pronounce it correctly, you can use it in a variety of expressions to add some unexpected joy or shock to your communication.
